gravity isn't real.

Welcome in Hero… or maybe Villain? Anti-Hero? That’s neither here nor there. Below you will see entries put together by our very own ph3n1x… talking about The Supers [no this is not secretly a wiki – do NOT click here]. If you want to know about The Creators or as they are now known as “The Shop Owners” look back a about six words to click on a super secret link that will explain some of it.

Now what? Well, simply enjoy this interactive anthology of slice-of-life stories, spanning different ages and diverse historical contexts.

That’s it. That’s all we will tell you about your visit here. The choice is yours to continue…

…or is it?

Beth Page


Seth – we mean Beth. Her name is Bethany Page Kite. She is dead but also not, because she basically is unalive, right?

Tomato, Potato.

Seth Page is Bethany’s grandfather on her mother’s side. Or Bethany is Bethany’s grandfather on her daughter’s side? Bethany is half alive, half not. Her soul was transferred into a moment in time by one of Soul Checkers at the Soul Checkers Checkpoint after she became half-alive. She tries to tell people to say that 5 times fast but nobody cares to try.

Soul Checkers Checkpoint. Ticket please!

Anyways, Beth is now in her grandfather’s younger body and his name is Seth. At this moment in time, Seth is in his elder teens, and working hard with his mom on a project to give back to the Earth and all of Humanity via the frequency of Authenticity.

Beth only knew Seth in his older form. Being sent back into his younger self has now shown her a different face of what was to be, instead of the future they are currently experiencing.

Would you like another helping of Yeast?

[Aliases – Bethany/Beth/Seth]

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