gravity isn't real.

Welcome in Hero… or maybe Villain? Anti-Hero? That’s neither here nor there. Below you will see entries put together by our very own ph3n1x… talking about The Supers [no this is not secretly a wiki – do NOT click here]. If you want to know about The Creators or as they are now known as “The Shop Owners” look back a about six words to click on a super secret link that will explain some of it.

Now what? Well, simply enjoy this interactive anthology of slice-of-life stories, spanning different ages and diverse historical contexts.

That’s it. That’s all we will tell you about your visit here. The choice is yours to continue…

…or is it?

The Tongue


Prude people look away because The Tongue is coming… literally.

Yes, they definitely exist and are coming out.

Leo has a really long… tongue. Ha. You wanted a different word there. You can use the word thick for the other word you were thinking about. He also was born with the ability to speak and understand any language. This helps with his sex work (yes, the naughty stuff – and What? Supers still have to pay bills).

During his youth he would nonchalantly steal snacks and desserts from the kids at school around him with his special tongue. This was how Leo would enjoy most of life’s pleasures until one day he licked the wrong ice cream from the wrong person and ended up at the nearest Emergency Room.

The doctor reviewing Leo’s x-rays that day came running into the room yelling at the boy to stick out his tongue… and he did. A long foot of tongue came out and the doctor simply panicked and then fainted. Leo left and realized that maybe his tongue wasn’t a normal tongue after all.

During his teenage years he couldn’t find a way to “save” people with his tongue… until after puberty hit.

By day, works at a Target for the grocery discount… by night… bow chicka wow wow.

[Aliases – Leo Lennox/The Tongue/]

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